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Security Program Management

An effective Information Security program provides the underlying structure needed to effectively reduce risk to critical assets and associated security and compliance costs.  A well-defined Information Security program allows organizations to set realistic security goals, allocate resources in an effective and cost-efficient manner, reduce overall risk, and integrate security into daily operations.  A well-managed security program should proactively address a changing threat landscape and communicate management’s security directives to all employees and partners.  To implement an effective security framework, a sound program management plan is essential. 


Operational Ally’s staff has the experience and qualifications to assist organizations of all sizes with the development of well-documented security programs and associated project plans. We also offer assessments of existing programs and project plans against industry standards and best practices to ensure that your organization’s security program is effective, evolving, and fully operationalized.  


Our assessment methodology will help your organization to identify potential technical, organizational, and administrative control deficiencies, and provide you with an actionable plan to improve your security posture. Our project plans take multiple factors into account, including business drivers, regulatory and compliance requirements, and organizational values.  Most importantly, we work closely with you to identify critical success factors and tailor a program based on your specific needs, with the goal of creating a sustainable, mature program.


Our Risk Assessment and Program development methodology provides a framework that can help your organization:

  • Utilize the best and most appropriate security frameworks

  • Develop a security program strategy that engages both executive management and subordinate stakeholders

  • Assist with defining an IT Risk Assessment approach based on your organization’s unique requirements (both internal and external)

  • Define a risk profile which includes aggregated risk and prioritization of risk remediation

  • Develop of an IT Risk Treatment Plan and subsequent project plans

  • Map the most appropriate security policies, procedures, guidelines and standards and help document them

  • Identify the critical success metrics needed to monitor and continuously improve your security program

  • Develop strategies to encourage organizational participation and awareness



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